
目前显示的是 十二月, 2024的博文

NeurIPS事件与齐泽克的Don't be yourself

昨天看到这个视频: 【复读齐泽克:不要“做自己”】 https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1xG411V7m4/ 视频里提到Lacan说的“the truth is you are your own mask."  以及齐泽克的"most people are monsters secretly". 我思维很跳跃地联想起了上周推上有点话题度的NeurIPS speaker歧视华人事件。 虽然这个事件speaker本身很让我火大,但这里我想讨论并反驳一下在这个事件发生以前,我周围很多人对种族歧视的观点。 不得不说,在此之前,很多人见到和种族或者性别议题相关的就是一句“政治正确”,甚至自己也经常发表歧视言论。直到政治不正确的拳头打到自己身上,才觉得难受了,要出来说话了。 一个我经常看到的观点是:“我们就不如直接承认我们每个人都或多或少有种族歧视,为什么还要演得相亲相爱?这是一种伪善。” 我对这个观点简单的回应就是:如果你能做到伪善一辈子,那你就是大善人。你就是你的面具。 我们在此不讨论种族政策在美国宏观上实施时的一些避重就轻,也不是要讨论一些libtard或者troll没事找事要把Byzantine general's problem里的Byzantine去掉或者 reverse Polish notation里的Polish去掉这类极端的言论。我们就讨论我们每个普通人生活中,需要学着去避免表达对一个大范围人群/文化的地图炮言论,特别是在公开/严肃的场合。 虽然有些时候偏见确实是有statistical significance的,所以我觉得在私下生活中吐吐槽,或者是脱口秀这种解构一切的场合大家一笑了之没什么大不了。我也能理解一些人可能反复经历了几次和同一个种族/文化的交往中的trauma, 所以禁不住想反复吐槽这个人群,但是冷静下来时也知道自己这个偏见其实还是之apply to这个人群的少部分人。当然也有一些人的歧视言论,纯粹出于毫无理由的优越感和对建立想象敌对群体的渴望。  无论是出于“发泄后又冷静下来”,还是“就是想发表歧视言论,但害怕被喷又加个buff", 当今我们见到大量“A类人都是XXX"后又加上一句着补的言论。 每个人的面具后面是更多的面具,最终面具之下就是空无一物。或者...

Some thoughts after QIP reviews....

  Peer reviews of the quantum cryptography community at the moment: Reviewers from other areas: "Not my area, not interested, so reject" Reviewers from our own area: "I can understand your high-level techniques, so that makes your paper trivial." This toxicity has been giving me depression and nihilism for quite a while.  In the reviews for each of my QIP submission, I got a 1-sentence review that simply summarizes the paper (or even says some good things! ) but gives a "weak reject" for no reason. This is not surprising by the historically consistent high-entropy of QIP reviews from people outside your area. What surprises and saddens me at most is this one reviewer, clearly from our own area because they actually understand what we do on a high-level, who, however, gives ridiculous reasons for weak rejection: 1. They believe the statement we prove is highly-expected to be true by the community.   ---Aren't a lot of important theorems highly expected ...